Tennessee Tickler

Honoring the frontiersman Davy Crockett

Perfect for camp chores, small to medium sized game processing, and makes an excellent belt or boot knife.

Availability: Honorably Discharged

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The Tennessee Tickler is a fine knife that has been a traditional favorite for many years. A slender blade meets up with beautiful Blue/Black G-10 handle scales. Perfect for camp chores, small to medium sized game processing, and makes an excellent belt or boot knife. Whether you're looking for an EDC in an urban environment, a self-defense weapon, or a new knife for your next hiking or camping trip, this one fits the bill.

This knife honors Davy Crockett, born in Tennessee, served in the US Congress from Tennessee, and all around outdoorsman and frontiersman. You don't have to be Davy Crockett to own and use one of these, however. It's a good user's blade and memorable gift.

Knife Type Fixed Blade
Overall Length 7.25"
Blade Length 3.50"
Cutting Edge 3.31"
Blade Thickness 0.190"
Blade Shape Hunters Point
Blade Steel 1095 RC 56-58
Blade Finish Tactical Gray
Handle Material Blue/Black G10
Sheath Included Yes
Sheath Material Black Kydex
Sheath Clip Rotating Spring Steel
Designer TOPS Team
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